The amazing thing is that we can assess patients from anywhere in the world, without them being present. It is amazing because it actually works. It is undeniable and apparent when we do it. Patients can feel changes and improvement in real time as we work with them during an appointment from across the country. What is even more amazing is that there is finally an explanation for this phenomena. The explanation is referred to as quantum entanglement. The truth is, you, myself, our relatives…we are all already connected. How does a mother know when there is something wrong with one of her children? The only explanation for intuition and the “power of intention” are thought to be related to quantum entanglement, as well. Check out this video lecture about the “power of intention“.
So what is quantum entanglement? “Entangled photons would behave like they’re connected, regardless of the physical distance between them (a phenomenon also known as “spooky action at a distance”). That means that even if each photon’s properties were measured independently, their results would still be correlated because measuring one photon out of the entangled pair would affect the properties of the other photon. ” (full article here)
From this article in Popular Science magazine, “Entanglement is a weird quantum phenomenon dubbed [by Einstein] “spooky action at a distance.” Imagine two coins that have a mysterious connection: Every time you flip them, one will be heads and the other will be tails. This means that, even if a friend takes one of the coins into another room, you can find out whether your friend’s coin is heads-up or tails-up just by flipping your own and looking at the result.” More on this from NASA’s website, including a picture of entangled particles right here.
“So a Chinese team decided to see if space lasers would do the trick. Last year, they launched a satellite called Micius to carry quantum experiments into space. On board, a laser-based apparatus entangled pairs of photons to give them opposite polarization states…the particles had to travel between 990 and 1490 miles to reach their destinations, they remained entangled when they arrived at the Earth-bound stations.”
Science is finally catching up to what we have been doing for years!
Ask us if distance testing is right for you…we bet you’ll be surprised when you try it!