Muscle Testing FAQ

What is Nutrition Response Testing?

Nutrition Response Testing tells you when and what to use to bring about the desired result. The power of muscle testing with therapeutic nutrition is simply amazing.
This is a non-invasive system uses muscle testing to analyze the body in order to determine the underlying causes of ill health. When these are corrected through safe, natural, nutritional means, the body can repair itself in order to attain and maintain more optimum health.
The results we have been having with Nutrition Response Testing are often in the 90% and better range. But it is not a passive program where I give you pills and send you on your way to continue the same lifestyle that contributed to your illnesses in the first place. That is why I want to make sure you get the correct understanding of what Nutrition Response Testing is right from the start.

What Makes this Approach Unique?

Nutrition Response Testing does not diagnose, use drugs or treat disease.
We do an analysis, and then we design a natural health improvement program to help you handle what we find in our analysis of your body and condition.

How Do We Do The Nutrition Response Testing Analysis?

If I were to hook you up to an electro-cardiograph machine and take a reading, that would make perfect sense to you, right?
What is actually happening during this procedure? Electrical energy from the heart is running over the wires. This electrical energy makes the electrocardiograph record the energy pattern in the form of a graph or chart. I could then study this graph and tell you what it all means.

Nutrition Response Testing: Instead of connecting electrodes to the reflex areas being tested, the Nutrition Response Testing practitioner contacts these areas with their own hand. With the other hand, she will test the muscle of your extended arm. If the reflex being contacted is “active” the nervous system will respond by reducing energy to the extended arm, and the arm will weaken and drop. This drop signifies underlying stress or dysfunction, which can be affecting your health.

Doesn’t this sound like something you would want for yourself in order to predict, with certainty, what is needed and wanted by the body to get you to the next stage of improved health?

The “Personalized Health Improvement Program”.

In Nutrition Response Testing we use “DESIGNED CLINICAL NUTRITION” to correct the cause of the problem, so that the body can regain the ability to correct itself.
Let’s say the liver or kidney reflexes are active. Then what?
Our next step is to test specific, time-tested, highest quality nutritional formulas against those weak areas, to find which ones bring the reflexes back to strength.
Correcting the underlying deficiency or imbalance that caused the reflex to be active in the first place will get you well on your way to restoring normal function and improving your health. This program will be designed specifically for you, to clinical address the root causes of your il-health.

Designed Clinical Nutrition does not use ‘over-the-counter’ vitamins. Over-the-counter vitamins are pharmaceutically engineered chemical fractions of vitamin structures reproduced in a laboratory. Because they are not made from whole foods, “over-the-counter” vitamins are not “genuine replacement parts” as they lack many of the essential elements normally present in WHOLE foods.
Nutrition Response Testing tells you when and what to use to bring about the desired result.
The power of therapeutic nutrition is simply amazing.

What is a muscle test?

It is an assessment tool, and great one at that, but it is not a diagnostic tool.
The simple answer is that it is a way to test the circuits in the body. It is not a strength test at all.
In fact, it requires very little pressure at all. It is strictly an assessment of the brain’s ability to handle slightly more stress.
When we apply stress to a muscle (pressure), we are stressing the brain and nervous system. The brain is wired to each body part via a nerve connection of some kind. If this connection becomes too stressed it will short circuit to prevent further injury. Think of this like a fuse in a house. Here is a very basic muscle test, done with a bit too much pressure as to illustrate a point on camera, check it out here.

This is why it becomes so easy for athletes to overtrain…the physical recovery is the easy part…the nervous system recovery is the hard part. Nervous system recovery can take months if it has been overtrained too long. It is the equivalent of a car battery that has enough electrical “juice” to make the engine turnover a few times, but not enough to start it. To see how just effective this is, check out this testimonial video.

How does a muscle test provide data or information to the practitioner?

All a muscle test does is tell the practitioner “on” or “off”, represented by a muscle switching off or staying strong. This is interpreted as “yes” or “no” by the practitioner. It is a comparison of two nerves and their priority (based on their level of stress) in the brain/spinal cord.
If the muscle stays strong or (neurologically locked/on) when pressure (stress) is applied, we then apply pressure (stress) to another nerve called a “dermatome” in the skin over an organ. If the muscle remains switched on (neurologically locked/strong) while applying stress to the dermatome, that is interpreted as “equal” importance. If the muscle would switch off (neurologically unlock/weaken) that would be correctly interpreted as “unequal” importance where one of those two nerves is now a priority over the other. One of those nerves’ circuits has opened and continuity is lost, creating the switched off response in the brain and muscle.

What can be diagnosed with muscle testing?

Nothing, really.
It provides information that needs to be interpreted by an experienced practitioner. Like blood labs, the data means little to someone who isn’t well versed in how to interpret it. Blood labs can be used for diagnostic purposes, however. Blood labs provide nonabstract data that can be compared to “average” values. What people don’t realize is that blood labs reveal the body’s compensation to things that happened in the past, generally. Sometimes months ago! Another interesting fact is that labs can change through the day and even from laboratory to laboratory!

Is muscle testing better than blood work?

No, that is like saying the headlights are better than the engine in a car. They’re both valuable and I would suggest reading our short article about how we approach blood work, right there.
In our experience, blood work is like the headlights…when needed, it is needed! However, they are only needed on certain drives and only a certain time, to guide us. They’re both tools, but in the world of functional health recovery, labs don’t provide a lot of information as to why their blood work is the way it is.

Is Muscle Testing Divination?

What is muscle testing and how in the world does it work? Many times new people in our office are amazed and in disbelief as to how the muscle test works. They think it is some parlor trick I learned somewhere.

Muscle testing is a science and an art. Anyone can learn to muscle test and the more you practice the more accurate you will become. Truth is you and I can both fake a muscle test, however, like any tool it should be respected for what it is. If you have not read about what a muscle test is, click here. Next, we must define what divination is from

Muscle testing DOES NOT tell the future, pick winning lotto numbers or tell you what you should do. It is a bio-feedback tool used to determine imbalances of the body’s energy patterns. Muscle testing will also test whether a person is congruent with thoughts and ideas; this is different than asking the body yes/no questions. For instance my emotional brain may not be congruent with making more money, this concept can be tested with muscle testing, however it is not reasonable to test: Am I going to make more money?

Where did muscle testing come from? Researchers from 1949 named Kendall and Kendall, published a book on specific muscle testing to determine the power a muscle produces. In 1964, Dr. George Goodheart, DC from Michigan discovered that the muscle testing could also be used to show how the nervous system controls muscle function; this has been called “muscle testing as functional neurology”. So when a tested muscle goes “weak” we are not testing power but the interaction of the muscle with the nervous system and electrical systems of the body. By understanding that muscle testing tests neurology and energy, more information about the body’s internal relationships has been discovered, further understanding of what therapy the body will respond to best can also be evaluated. Weak or inhibited muscles are just abnormal physiology being expressed.

What contributes to this abnormal physiology? Emotional stress, malnutrition, pollutants and trauma. With muscle testing we can test to evaluate what is necessary to return the body back to balance, then allowing the nervous system and the muscle to return to normal function or strength.

Keys to consistent muscle testing for optimal results are: unbiased testing by the doctor and the patient, understanding that the test is not a challenge of strength, utilizing good body mechanics and the isolation of the tested muscle, and no cheating by recruiting other muscles in the test.

Muscle testing can be a very sensitive and accurate procedure to determine the status of the body. It, many times, will detect imbalances long before blood tests or even symptoms occur.

Muscle Testing FAQ and Explanations

Muscle Testing & Frequency – Video

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
-Nikola Tesla
This may be helpful for those seeking to understand  the relationship between muscle testing, the power of your words / thoughts and frequency.
For more FAQ about muscle testing, please click here.
For more muscle testing videos & testimonials, click here.